
You've all seen the moblog competition ad during assembly. haha we must make vjc win!

From an email from the teacher ic:

These are the rankings as of noon on Saturday:

1. RJC Viewed 2256 times by 447 people , 110 members
2. ACJC Viewed 1161 times by 243 people, 44 members
3. VJC Viewed 879 times by 241 people, 74 members
4. AJC Viewed 993 times by 242 people, 46 members
5. YJC Viewed 1960 times by 239 people, 81 members

What we need to do:
1. vote via sms - send the message "Vote NIBC vjc" to 96183799.
2. visit our site - i think you need to register to do this.

3. try and refrain from visiting the other college blogs! =)


haha we must beat rj!!! =) haha appreciate it if you would visit our blog. we need unique hits to win the popularity contest, not visits. haha so please do your part as a victorian!

- markhsx



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