
HELLO V13! Mark here =)

Ok some people suggested outing ideas!

1. Chun Han - Ice Skating. You're gonna need long pants and socks for this, and take note of temps. Haha anyone up for this? Ice skating is fun =) Those who don't know, we'll teach (I think.)

2. Jastine - V for Vendetta. This is the movie Mr Koh smirked and laughed at us for being too young to watch. We'll show him! According to Jastine, the run is ending soon, so yeah, those who wanna go, go quickly.

3. ME - Class Chalet 2006. Another memorable one. I will try to make it as full of pool as possible. And some Xbox/PS2 gaming. Arcading. Cycling. Rollerblading. BBQ? PIZZA. Yeah. It's most probably gonna be at Costa Sands Pasir Ris, booking 2 chalets, 3rd or 4th week of June hols.

People who wanna go just shout out in class! (or tag here. whatever)


A story like mine
Has never been told...


V13: Genesis.
This summer.
Coming to a place near you.


- heng, mark heng.



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